Building Automation System
When it comes to energy conservation, everyone can benefit from good tips and techniques, especially businesses. While there’s lots of little things that a business can do to conserve energy such as turning off lights in rooms that no one is using and using natural light to heat a room, there’s also a big way that businesses and companies can help conserve energy and save some money. The way to do this is through a building automation system, otherwise known as BAS.
BAS is automatic centralized control of a buildings heating, ventilation and air conditioning, lighting, and other systems. One of the big objectives of implementing a BAS is to help conserve energy, but the installation can also help with improving comfort, increasing productivity, and reducing turnover.
How It Works
Sensors, controls, and software work together to examine the rooms and work to maintain comfortable conditions is a building. These components make these conditions by using the least amount of energy possible. With all of the components of the BAS working together as one, a company doesn’t have to worry about their energy conservation because the BAS is doing it for them automatically.
Lighting is one area of energy consumption that can rack up your utility bill fast. With BAS you can help to reduce the amount of light energy that is being consumed in your building. Depending on what type of lighting system you want with your building, whether it be a scheduled timer or sensors that turn off when movement it not sensed for a certain period of time, BAS can help to regulate these systems. We’ve all made the mistake of being busy and leaving a room and forgetting to turn off the light, but with BAS you won’t have to worry about that anymore.
Heating and Cooling
The same can be said about heating and cooling of your building. Especially during the winter, it’s important to make sure that buildings stay warm and regulated at certain temperatures. However, you also don’t want heating privileges to be abused and have a situation where too much energy is being used. The BAS system helps to prevent this and other heating and cooling problems by setting a comfortable and consistent temperature in the rooms of the building. You can still regulate the system as needed, but for the most part, BAS works to makes sure that the rooms stay at a comfortable working temperature.
Implementing the building automation system is a great way for any company or business to save money and conserve energy. The system helps prevent energy from being wasted by only using what is necessary to keep conditions throughout the entire building comfortable. By only using the energy that is absolutely necessary for the building, companies can reduce energy and maintenance costs. Never again will you have to be concerned about whether you shut a light off before you left, or if you made sure that the heating or cooling was at a certain temperature. The BAS system regulates all of that for you.