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HVAC Services for Commercial Facilities

Commercial Buildings Face Varied Issues

We work with the building manager or owner to develop a custom plan to meet the expanding requirements of building ownership.


Keeping tenants is a full time job for most building managers. We can help you keep them with comfort and system reliability.


Your building is protected on the outside from the weather. But on the inside, many building have little or not protection of excessive humidity, dust or dirt. We can protect the inside.


Only two ways to effect the cost of energy. Control the price or control how much you use. We all know which way to go and we can help.

Package Plan or Custom

We work to help you save the most money in any way we can, so we have pre-package plans as well as custom design service blocks to meet your specific needs.

Building owners and managers face a never-ending barrage of competing demands. Bouncing from health and safety to tenant complaints and operating cost; it’s no wonder building management has become such a difficult and complex job. Adding in the more recent concerns of Building Related Illness (BRI) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), effective building management may seem impossible!

One of the major elements contributing to the difficulty is budgets constrains. These constraints force building managers to make decisions that are often contrary to the best interests on the occupants and the building itself.

CMC is prepared to help relieve some of the budgetary constraints by implementing customized service programs specifically designed to not only reduce the costs associated with owning and operating a building but in some cases turn these costs into profit centers.

Sound surprising? It is not. In the last 38 years, CMC has worked with some of the most progressive service organizations across the country. This has provided CMC with innovative and proven methods available. CMC understands the subtleties and complexities associated with building management teams allowing us to implement programs that produce results.

Results are the true goal of any service plan.

You can get anyone to change filters and grease bearings, but results are the true measurement of the collective facility activities.

Customer Service Rating

Get The Plan You Want

Its all about your building, your occupants and your needs. Sit down with one of our service team and build a plan just for you.


7070 Exchequer Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

801 S. Al Davis Rd., Ste. 801
Elmwood, LA 70123

199 Interstate Dr., Suite C/D
Richland, MS 39218


7070 Exchequer Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

801 S. Al Davis Rd., Ste. 801
Elmwood, LA 70123

199 Interstate Dr., Suite C/D
Richland, MS 39218